Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (also known as Arch Street Friends) is constituted of many components, and this page is intended to help offer more information about our structure and how we sustain a communal and collaborative religious experience. The information below is intended to give an overview of our meeting, but more specificity about how a Quaker Meeting organizes itself can be found in the publication Faith and Practice.
During a Meeting for Worship, the people present usually include a mix of visitors, attenders, and members. All are welcome to join our unprogrammed (no minister or order of service) worship.
Have you been regularly attending our meeting and are considering membership? We recommend speaking with one of our members or the Clerks of Care or Outreach Committees to discuss the application process at Arch Street, which is initiated by submitting a letter for membership to the Clerk of our meeting.
More information about the process can also be found in Faith and Practice, our resource and guidebook. A bound printing is available at the meeting house, please ask a member for a copy.
Instead of a minister, who ensures that the business of the organization is accomplished, Friends have a volunteer Clerk of the Meeting. We also have Clerks who lead various committees to ensure that the Meeting's bills are paid, business is conducted, and the needs of the members are met. Learn about the Committees that make up our Meeting's life.
Arch Street Friends hold Monthly Meetings for Business on the third Sunday of the month, September through June. We observe a summer break in July and August. Visitors and attenders are welcome to observe Meetings for Business. Learn more about the focus and procedures of Meeting for Business.
Our Meeting offers numerous opportunities for communities beyond Meeting for Worship, committee meetings, or Meeting for business. A snapshot of some of our Meeting's regular programming is listed below. Additional events are held throughout the year by the Meeting and its committees. Visit our Calendar to learn about upcoming events hosted by our Meeting.
In addition to individual Meetings, called Monthly Meetings because the business meetings are held once a month, there are Quarterly Meetings and Yearly Meetings.
Our meeting is one of eight area Monthly Meetings which make up the Philadelphia Quarter. Meetings are held four times a year to address items of local concern, and are a good way to be in community with area Quakers. Meetings in our Quarter include Central Philadelphia, Chestnut Hill, Frankford, Green Street, Germantown, Unity and West Philadelphia.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is a larger body that draws on the resources of dozens of Meetings throughout eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. A week-long residential meeting is held annually in the summer, with the addition of a fall or spring Interim Meeting to address concerns and discern long-range plans. Most of the activities of Yearly Meeting are implemented by appointed persons, committees supported by Yearly Meeting staff in offices at 1515 Cherry Street in Philadelphia, and working and service groups. Committee topics include prison reform and eradication of the death penalty, spiritual growth, social concerns, religious education and various administrative issues.
Members and Attenders can access Arch Street Friends's private intranet by logging in at Quaker.App. This part of our website is built to support and encourage the community we're building in-person or on Zoom through worship, fellowship, and social witness. We are excited to welcome you into that community, but we have found that those relationships start best in person or over sustained periods of online worship.
So, if you are already a member or attender but don't have access yet, complete the form on our Contact Us page, select the Request the Quaker.App Invitation Link option and let the administrator know your connection to the meeting in the body of your message. If you haven't had the chance to attend in-person or on Zoom, stop by and introduce yourself. We look forward to getting to know you!