Children's Meeting is our version of Sunday School or First Day school and is overseen by an instructor. Geared towards a large range of ages—from Pre-K through 8th Grade—we offer a fluid curriculum perfect for regular attendance or drop ins. Children's Meeting is held on the First and Third Sunday of each month (September through June) from 10:30 am–11:15 am and is open to the children of all members, attenders, and visitors. Children will be engaged so caregivers can attend Meeting for Worship. Children will join worship for the last 15 minutes.
For questions or inquiries, visit Contact Us and select Children's Meeting so that your message may reach the Children's Meeting Committee.
During Sunday worship services childcare is available for younger children, with our very experienced caregiver, Sandy. A greeter will show you where the nursery is located and where the Children's Meeting gathers on the Meeting House's second floor. Childcare is free and of no cost to guardians.
Children are brought to the meeting room at 11:15 for the last 15 minutes of worship. This is a meeting community that welcomes children. We know that silent worship may be difficult for children, and our members are very understanding of age-appropriate restlessness and noises.